Presented by:
1) Prof.M.V.Kuriakose B.Tech(Ed), M.I.E. (Retd.Principal, Govt.Polytechnic, Perinthalmanna)
2) Mr.Jismon Issac B.E (Mech) A.I.E, MBA
[Prof.M.V .Kuriakose is having around 35 years of expertise in Structural Engineering and Designing. He is an active member of Lensfed.]
[Mr.Jismon Issac has 13 years of experience in the manufacturing & Quality testing of Construction Steel bars especially High grade TMT steel bars]
Now days some contractors report a tendency among few design Engineers that they specify grade Fe-500 or higher steel in residential buildings, citing its high strength. If they design buildings considering the use of Fe 500 steel in construction, it could help reduce the volume of steel used and reduce the column size.
The rosy part aside, Fe 500 grade steel could pose quite a few site specific issues during construction, especially for small builders. Considering the reported failures and problems with grade Fe-500 or higher, it is advisable to use Fe 415 in residential and commercial buildings and Fe500 could be used only when the entire design is made according to that grade. This is explained below;