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What is the difference between dry joint and wet joint in precast segmental bridges?

Dry joints have been properly used in the past in which the bridge segments are formed by match casting. The prevalence in the past is due to it lower cost and time for construction. There is no gluing material to seal up the joint. As such, leakage through the joint into the box culvert occurs from time to time and this may affect the durability of external post-tensioning tendons. Moreover, owing to the effect of seismic, temperature and creep, the joints are found to open under these conditions. Spalling of top concrete slab at bridge joint was also reported.

Wet joint involves the use of epoxy glue at the mating precast segments. After the application of epoxy glue, a temporary precompression pressure of 0.3MPa is applied by stress bars at top, bottom and the sides of the mating precast segments. The epoxy sets under the applied pressure. The use of epoxy joints provides lubrication to help in the fit-up and alignment of the mating segments and minimizes the effect of hard point contact between segments.


This question is taken from book named – A Closer Look at Prevailing Civil Engineering Practice – What, Why and How by Vincent T. H. CHU.

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Kanwarjot Singh

Kanwarjot Singh is the founder of Civil Engineering Portal, a leading civil engineering website which has been awarded as the best online publication by CIDC. He did his BE civil from Thapar University, Patiala and has been working on this website with his team of Civil Engineers.

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One comment on "What is the difference between dry joint and wet joint in precast segmental bridges?"

Rajendran.R says:

What are tests are conducted to find the quality of coal?..

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