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Material Testing

Various Lab Test On Bitumen

Bitumen is a mixture of organic liquids that is black, highly viscous, sticky product used for paving roads, waterproofing products (used in sealing roofs). There are many tests which are conducted to check the quality of bitumen. Bitumen is very important component of many construction sites like roads, highways. Many tests are done to ensure the quality of bitumen. Some of these are given below :-

1. Bitumen Content
2. Ductility Of Bitumen
3. Penetration of Bitumen
4. Specific Gravity of Bitumen
5. Softening Point Of Bitumen


6. Flash And Fire Point Of Bitumen
7. The Marshall Stability of Bituminous Mixture

Just click on the names of the tests above to know the entire procedure of how we perform these tests.

Various Lab Test On Concrete

There are many tests which are conducted to check the quality of concrete. These tests are basically divided into two categories
1. Various Lab Test On Fresh Concrete.
Under these, we have the following tests
a) Slump Test – Workability
b) Compacting Factor
c) Vee- Bee Test

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Various Lab Test On Aggregates

There are many tests which are conducted to check the quality of aggregates. Aggregates are very important component of concrete, so the quality really matters when it comes to aggregates.
Various test which are done on aggregates are listed below.

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Various Lab Test On Cement

Checking of materials is an essential part of civil engineering as the life of structure is dependent on the quality of material used.Following are the tests to be conducted to judge the quality of cement.

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