Civil Engineers from around the world face problems in looking for books related to their research or thesis. So we at have collected the books which will be useful to civil engineers in their study. In case you can not find the book you need, just use the search function by keeping civil engineering as default search.
We have launched a special amazon civil engineering books section only for Indians. Now you can search civil engineering books by Indian authors and buy them online. Not only books, if you are looking for something else (like mobile, pen drive etc) just search and buy.
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refractory is good field in civil engineering
i wnt the best book of strength of material
try for strength of material by Dr R.K Bansal lakshmi publication.,…
who to find the development length for the footings?
Madhavi mada… i want to do project on any topic in soil mechanics… i don’t know how to choose the topic. madhavi madam can you please give me a suggestion.
how to determine the depth of the pile ?????
who we got the critical sections for columns in one way shear and two way shear and bending moment as d,d/2 and d-a/2? if any body know the reason plz rply
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I just want to the names of some acidity solution by which we can solve the efloroscent of concrete.
i want to get civil engineering books and i don’t know the easiest that i can buy or get it though please email me that info
i want civil engineering magzines and e-notes
I want to civil engg. 2nd year notes. Plese send my e-mail id
I need civil engineering books and magazines. Send all what it take to have them in my e mail address please. thanks
Please also send to me a list of books concerning dams constructions in my e mail address. thanks
Buy trasportation engineering book by SK Khanna
I need all BE civil engineering books
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